
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

History Page Added - More Stuff

I've been thinking about ways to add more information to this website; specifically, more photos and some of the many documents that reside in my archive. The goal was to add a page (or pages) to display these images. I also wanted to do it in a way that was not too difficult and would not require too much serious HTML work. Blogger can be a powerful tool but when it comes to plugins and widgets, it is not as well developed as Word Press or some other platforms (not that I am complaining). I like things "out of the box" and am not really interested in changing the template; so I needed to look around for some help. Specifically, I was interested in creating a "thumbnail page" that would show many images at a glance. This would contrast with the slideshows that reside at the bottom of the page. After looking around a bit, and reading a lot of "how to" topics, I finally found a way to add a table - of sorts - in a new page. The method looked like something I could handle and the page appearance was "good enough" at least for now.

So, last week I launched a new page that I am calling by the simple name of History. What I hope the page conveys is my history, or more precisely, my families history but in graphics rather than words. This is a more literal history as it will contain only images arranged on a page. I started off simple with four rows of three images each. Each row has a theme; for example, the first row shows three buildings that have connections to individual ancestors. The second row shows land purchase records, the third row shows tombstones and four row shows group pictures. I will admit that the captions are short so the explanation for each image is not very detailed but these are snapshots in history so they are kept purposely vague. The nice thing about this arrangement, is that I can add additional rows at any time.

The History Page contains a sampling of photographs,
facsimiles of historical documents and other images;
meant to offer a family history "snapshot."
This blog has led to a number of discoveries and connected me to other family members that I did not know. In presenting this information, even though the amount of data that will get displayed will be minimal, I hope the History Page will help to showcase some of the items that I have accumulated and eventually lead to even more connections.

Additional Reading:
History and Genealogy
New Discoveries are Delightful
The Flow of Information

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